Our Mission
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a new generation of electricians with the passion and drive to bring the industry to the next level and pursue the many career opportunities available in the electrical field.
About Us
This program is owned and operated by John Plourde. John has been in the electrical industry for 36 years, first as an employee of a large electrical contractor, then to his own electrical business, and then as a state of New Hampshire electrical inspector. He is now the electrical inspector for the city of Portsmouth. John has been an electrical educator for 9 years in Apprenticeship Training throughout New Hampshire.
Policies and Procedures
Admission Requirements
Each student interested in the online, live virtual classroom and the 50/50 online/virtual must fill out a registration form with name, address, employer name, either live virtual or on-line self-paced program, email, apprentice number, and phone number.
Each student enrolling in the ON-LINE PROGRAM must return the registration form completed in full along with a check for the full amount of $975.00 or, if previously arranged, the first quarterly payment of $200.00. The full amount of the program must be paid before the certificate of course completion will be issued.
Each student interested in the LIVE VIRTUAL CLASSROOM, AND COMBINATION ONLINE AND VIRTUAL must complete the same registration form as the online program but must also send a $50.00 deposit to hold their space in the program. The full amount of the program must be paid in full, or in quarterly payments as agreed upon by both parties, one month prior to the start of the program.
The ONLINE PROGRAM is a self-paced, at-home program and can start at any time of the year.
Students can enroll in 2 years of classes in one calendar year, provided the student has completed the previous year and has a certification of proof.
The LIVE VIRUAL CLASSROOM for the 2021-2022 classes will start in September 2021
Makeup time for the live virtual classes, and combination program will occur in a different virtual class on another night of the week depending on the student’s year of enrollment.
The online program is self-paced, and no makeup is needed if the 156 hours have been completed.
The ON-LINE PROGRAM is developed by Mike Holt Enterprises and the test questions and the final exam are built into the program. The grading is automated. At the end of the program the instructor/owner will have a virtual meeting with each student for 1 to 2 hours to orally assess what was learned during the program. If the instructor feels the student has learned the material and passed all tests, a certificate will be issued.
The LIVE VIRTUAL CLASSROOM will have tests and quizzes corrected by the instructor and reviewed at the next class. Students will email the answers to the instructor 3 days before their next class.
The COMBINATION ONLINE AND LIVE VIRTUAL PROGRAM is using the online program from Mike Holt for grading just like on online program.
Students beyond 1st year enrolling in either of the 3 programs must submit a certificate of prior school completion along with the registration form.
First year enrollment in a vocational-technical school will be allowed per the laws and rules RSA-319-C of the NH electricians board.
Out-of-state enrollments must also show completion of a program that is recognized by the NH electricians board and the laws and rules of RSA-319-C.
Performance Electrical Training has the right to call the past educational school for proof of education and completion, and if there is a question, the electricians board will be notified for approval, before the student will be enrolled in the program.
A student withdrawing from the ON-LINE PROGRAM will be refunded within 30 days of receipt of written notification by the Administrator. If the books have been sent, the cost of the books plus shipping will be deducted from the refund. The refund schedule is as follows:
Before books have been sent, full refund
Within one month of books being sent, 80% refund*
Within 3 months of books being sent, 50% refund*
Beyond 3 months of books being sent, no refund
*Note: All refunds will be less $250.00 for books and shipping that is non-refundable.
A student withdrawing from the LIVE VIRTUAL CLASSROOM, and the 50/50 COMBINATION PROGRAM will be refunded within 30 days of receipt of written notification by the Administrator. If the books have been sent, the cost of the books plus shipping will be deducted from the refund. Along with the refund, the student will receive a certificate crediting only the hours attended. The refund schedule is as follows:
Before the first day of the course, full refund*
Within one month of the first day of the course, 50% refund*
More than one month after the first day of the course, no refund
All refunds shall be paid within 30 days upon written notification from a student of cancellation or withdrawal; and students receiving benefits from federal programs shall be subject to federal refund policies, rules, and regulations.
If a student should have a grievance about the school, program, or instructor, the student shall formally submit such grievance in writing to the Performance Electrical Training Administrator, Jeanne Plourde at 12 Orchards Rd. Wolfeboro, NH 03894 or email to jpelectricaltraining@gmail.com. The grievance should include specifics about the claim and if possible, include the date and class in which it took place, with the assurance that we will take your complaint seriously and do what is within our capability to correct the situation.
In the event that a solution cannot be reached between Performance Electrical Training and the student, the student may file a written complaint to the New Hampshire Department of Education, Office of Career School Licensing at 101 Pleasant Street, Concord NH 03301, or by phone at 603-271-6443.
John Plourde